Who says you can't have it all?


I might be mind reading...my guess is that you work hard, real hard.

You wake early. You take care of your family first. You give your job all you have. You give time to others after work. You might even get a workout and healthy meal in there. Seems like a good life. So...why does it all feel so heavy?

Well...that’s a lot you have on your plate. You’re working tirelessly to meet everyone’s expectations, feeling the pressure, and trying not to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Vacation anyone?

Here’s where the heavy might be coming from: (1) Lack of quality resources (that actually work), (2) Time in a day, (3) Limited energy of a human being, and/or (4) Admin too busy to find, if you’re a teacher. All this while just trying to enjoy what you do and maybe get an actual workout in, for once.



I was once there... stood in front of 20+ tiny humans, trying to teach them multiple years worth of curriculum in nine short months. At the same time, I was trying to keep everyone’s attention, make parents happy, be there for coworkers, respond to admin requests, take care of my family, and attempt to make time for myself. Let’s just say I slept well at night.


So, how do you do it all and reduce stress and overwhelm? Welcome to the reason The Behavior Hub was born!

I help parents, teachers and school admin who are about to implode, get back to neutral and stay there by:

  • providing a blueprint for problem behavior

  • incorporating NATURAL ways to reduce stress and regulate the brain and body

  • parenting and teaching in a way (based on brain biology) that gets and keeps student attention

  • peace and calm in the classroom and home

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Truth be told, the system enraged me. I wasn’t happy in my position, with my work, around my coworkers, and under my supervision. Everything felt so negative and toxic - like there was no hope for a happy, healthy classroom. Three months into my teaching career and I thought to myself,
“This has to change or I’m out.”

10 years later and I’m still here but on my terms. Arriving here didn’t happen overnight. I dove DEEP into neuroscience and psychological research. I changed my social circle. I found mentors. And, I worked my bum off.

Now, I arrived at this beautiful destination that allows me to tap into my gifts of:

  • teaching others about the natural ways to neutralize

  • sharing all the brain things

  • a love for exercise and using it to gain energy

  • a passion for clean food and how it heals the body

  • a desire to see others grow and find their happy place

I also get to do one of my FAVORITE things...coach. With this work, I get to help you arrive at a place that feels good, feels light, feels right. 

Basically, I spend my time helping parents, teachers and school admins get back to their zone of genius. (Find out more about who I can help the most….and who I can’t.)


Find out how the behavior hub was born!


About Lauren

A little more about me in tiny images:

Website About Megraphic.png

Go from overwhelmed and stressed out to
loving what you do and feeling aligned
with your work and home life.

This one is on me...for FREE!

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